a panoramic view nearby the land

Queer Sanctuary

Northern Portugal

Welcome to Kura Alma! Home for the weird, odd & peculiar human beings.

Vision & Intentions

Kura Alma is dedicated to bringing initiatives such as the Queer Sanctuary to life, aiming to bridge critical resource gaps to enable individuals and communities to flourish.

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What “Queer” Means to Us

“Queer not as being about who you’re having sex with (that can be a dimension of it); but queer as being about the self that is at odds with everything around it and has to invent, create and find a place to speak and to thrive to live”

— bell hooks

The Queer Sanctuary

We're crafting a space where individuals access resources that elevate quality of life and foster personal and collective growth, all within a nurturing natural environment.

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Kura — to heal

From Papiamento, a Portuguese-Spanish creole based language, spoken in the Antilles

Alma — soul

From Portuguese - although Papiamento shares the same word, with the same meaning.

Say hi!

Whether you feel you want to be part of Kura Alma, want to visit or just want to talk to someone, we’re here for you.

We try to reply as fast as possible but sometimes it takes us longer, thank you for your patience.